Keep connected

Keep connected with the people you love

It’s very easy to cut loose and drift apart

Not measurable not material this treasure trove

Of relations is fragile, careful handling is an art


Keep connected with the people who care

We often tend to take such for granted

Until one day they are no longer there

Then you realize just how much they are wanted


Keep connected with your elderly folks

Don’t dismiss them off as inconvenience

When you end up at that age with a few grey strokes

You discern how in experience lies the essence


Keep connected with your children per se

Pay attention be thoughtful reach out have fun

If you don’t listen to their small stories today

Tomorrow they won’t come to you with the big one


Keep connected to a real world out there

Not the one social media is telling you about

Page 3 lives belie the grime beneath the glamour

Leaving you in disarray dismay and doubt


Keep connected with yourself be aware

Stay away from unconstructive influences

Love your life value it’s worth and don’t compare

Be honest with the mirror don’t strive for appearances

2 Replies to “Keep connected”

  1. ….keep connected, for life is too short to hold grudges
    Keep connected for who knows i may be six feet under the earth,
    Ready for the journey to meet my creator…
    So damn it, just stay connected!!!!

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