Being alive is a gift

To awaken every morning and feel the dew

Was never promised or verily your due

If it happens be happy. Say thank you

And pass on a winning smile to a few


That you should never die

Even as you watch funerals pass by

Is as obscene as your reason to cry

Take life gracefully in your stride


This obsession to overpower nature

This grandiose illusion to predict future

Don’t you think sounds a trifle amateur

What, if not death, does it take to mature?


As our knowledge and advancement increases

We research new cures. We fight old diseases

So far so good. Wherein suffering decreases

It’s our need for immortality that never ceases


We came from nature. We will go back one day

We must make the most of this in between stay

What we profit from living we must give away

And clear our dues. There are debts to repay


Being alive is beautiful. Ask the sick man

Being able is commendable. Do what you can

Being skilled to think introspect design and plan

Is a freedom and privilege given to man


Let us use it well and not retract

Let us enrich nature and not detract

Let us learn to handle life with tact

‘Forever’ is misreading death is a fact

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