
The canvas of the universe is dark black

Not because of lesser stars or the lack

Of light. Or shining. But merely by being

Itself. It’s very character defies seeing

Or believing


When a single ray of the sun breaks

Through a dusky dawn and wakes

Up half a world. A glow silently moves

Conquering space, seeping in the groove

Opening a treasure trove


Another soundless dominance called wind

Canters alongside breezily. Gentle. Kind

It carries life within itself and yet

Do we even realize its presence set

In each breath


Time begins. A giant cyclical wheel rolling

The avalanche of life gets going, snowballing

Into another day. Is there a way

Of knowing purpose or holding sway

On mud and clay


The boundless seamless vastness there is

Speaks of a freedom given on lease

Was I accident? Was I willed

An empty canvas? A mind filled

Or a soul healed

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