The Mirror

I am not great friends of the mirror

I give it an occasional glance

I know of those who eye it with fervor

Never sidestepping it perchance


The mirror on the wall is quite a liar

Gently coercing you into a believer

Stop at your own risk and admire

The mirror can be such a deceiver


Sometimes it reflects my myriad moods

Sometimes it displays internal feuds

When it jolts you out of revelry

It can be point blank outright rude


Truth or dare, just lay it bare

And the mirror will devour, ensnare

Camouflage it behind arcane beams

And party the night away with flair


The mirror, not me, has dual façade

As if it prods me to play dumb charades

I try to lie and often succeed

Yet it manages to make me open my cards

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