One more chance

Every day when you open your eyes

Earth beneath your feet overcast skies

Remember you been given one more chance

To be alive and make it matter. Perchance

You will not get it tomorrow

There is no time for sorrow


Every time some hand outstretched

Reaches out to you don’t think wretched

Of that person. You have been chosen by chance

To be facilitator but only. Perchance

You will not get it tomorrow

Good deeds you cannot borrow


Every instance you make some mistake

Recover. Refocus and learn in its wake

Repetition is true folly. Once is actually a chance

To reinforce and endorse right or wrong. Perchance

You will not get it tomorrow

Persevere and success will follow


Every time by act or tongue if you hurt someone

In your heart, you know right away its not done

Exclude ego and say your sorry. Grasp the chance

To be forgiven and live in peace. Perchance

You will not get it tomorrow

Anguish can be a concluding blow


Every once in a while, when choices are to be made

Go slow choose wise don’t suffer brain fade

Ultimately you are responsible for them. Your chance

To own your life is staring at your face. Perchance

You will never get it tomorrow

Excuses always sound so hollow



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