I must…


I must acquire knowledge and conversely remain humble

Knowledge sans humility so often makes you stumble


I must wear my attitude with panache and flair

Then balance the brazenness with respect and care


I must foster character trustworthy and commanding

I must be my own person not follow what is trending


I must set the right balance of deference and dissension

A simple deed that reaps results first begins with intention


I must fight for righteousness, tis the panacea of the just

Not compromising on principle is an absolute must


I must not hurt by my actions, deliberate or inadvertent

Any misstep must be mended or to remain repentant


I must realize a certain level of wisdom and aptitude

I can’t afford to slide into dispiritedness and platitude


I must keep ticking off new to do lists time and again

The cenotaph should not pronounce a life lived in vain


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