
“Everyone you meet always asks if you have a career, are married, or own a house as if life was some kind of a grocery list. But no one asks you if you are happy.” – Heath Ledger


Elusive. Intangible. Yet worth its weight in gold

Just increase its quotient and all else increases tenfold


Happiness is a simple feeling all in the mind

Still it remains irreplaceable and one of a kind


You don’t need huge accomplishments or complicated gains

Happiness can lie in small things and tweaking of the brains


If you think you are happy then you really can be

It does not cost a penny, it can be yours for free


Big bungalows. Swanky cars. Material wealth galore

Is no guarantee for happiness deep down at the core


A beautiful smile, a helping hand, togetherness

Some cheerfulness to dispense, some yearning to harness


If you are happy and you know it enjoy your fiefdom

It’s a rare realization that comes only with wisdom

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