

I have come a long way today.
Yesterday was another day.
Then I took life as it came
I had the power, the world I could tame.
I had no fears, no insecurities
I did not look for smug sureties.
I never had to step with care
Rainbows had more colours, life was fair.
Nothing seemed tough, learn or unlearn
Brownie points, confidence or marks to earn.
Turvy topsy attitudes, troubles at bay
Yesterday was another day.

Slowly, almost carefully, life caught up with me
A quick reality check, nothing came for free.
Friend, attitude, even the freedom to pray
Every little curve of the lip had a debt to repay
The laughter lessened as wisdom dawned
The rocks they hit you with were to sleep upon.
Be optimistic. Be daring. Never give up
Yet subtle subtitles said never live up.
They gave you everything. And took life away
Yesterday was another day.

The wise were serene. The mature are calm
In unquestioning obedience lies the charm
I listened. I followed. I even obeyed.
Politically correct though the nerves were frayed.
Resilience must have some gratification
Each action has its own ramification.
I began a desperate search for individuality
Tearing away from sheer mob mentality.
An inner calm within the larger chaos
A means for survival, my only recourse.
I was careful not to tread on dreams of the day
Today is another day.

Whatever you persevere you are sure to discover
Pursue to know yourself and you will uncover
So what if the world attempts to snuff your uniqueness
Your being is for flourish, your energies to harness
Explore within. And extract the untapped force
Ask help from without – the one and only source
He did not create you to withdraw into your shell.
He did not make you ‘you’ to become somebody else.
Reflect. Recollect. Remember the foundation of yore
Is the basis of now, push your limits even more?
Future is inbuilt in the fortitude of today
Tomorrow is another day.

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