My Star

There is a star far far away
In the deep darkness of the skies
So sheer, so mere it’s almost not there
Wrinkling eyes try to appraise

But in my heart of hearts
I know it is there if only
In my mind, in my belief
It consoles me when I am lonely

It tells me look here I am
Bright and shining and always
By your side though you don’t notice
Someone up there sees and cares

I smile through my tears and think
Whether or not anyone believes
I know God created this one star
Just for me only He conceives

The amount of consolation
When where and why I need
And then asks my very own star
To close in so that I can read

His message hidden in subdued
Shades of brightness, the nightness
Enveloping my pain and cure both
A darkness transforming whiteness

Slowly I slow down my disappointment
Merge and submerge into growing
Optimism emerging through the
Deafening silence that keeps gnawing

My insides – my rigging of any emotion
Sounds false and punctured
He knows how to set me in motion
One gentle push a future nurtured

Up and moving towards another
Tomorrow leaving behind broken
Hearts, days, pasts and repasts
Freedom awoken, the new day His token

My star silently smiles and goes
To rest while I forget his aid
And move about business as if
It’s my own doing memories fade

Until the next minor setback
Sends me scurrying for it in days
One more lazy smile like my Creator
It has learnt of my repenting ways


2 Replies to “My Star”

  1. In your star musings, hopefully others will find solace in the simplest of things…star gazing!

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