The Law of Averages

Mediocrity rules, the law of averages
Have forever triumphed over intelligence for ages.
Thinking can be tedious, wisdom is for sages
We love the security of well-constructed cages.

Minds within. Thoughts withheld. Opinions opinionated
In the rush to clone the others, intellect stays eliminated.
Everyone loves the ordinary, what is easier to fathom
The more gifted ones simply stand out like a sore thumb.

Extremes evoke fear. Too good, too much, too high
Let’s saddle the power. Don’t let imagination fly.
Never admit to your gray cells working overtime
Ignorance is bliss and existence is sublime

When four adults are silent, youthful brainwaves go for a toss
If you know the difference between David Frost and albatross
You are showcasing your knowledge, you are surely showing off
Mob regulates mentality, what are you talking of?

Though we occasionally do celebrate the cerebral
Like like-minded multitudes performing mass drill
It’s actually the average fellow we aver with
Hail mediocrity! Vote deadness over wit!


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