That one ray

If I may catch one sun ray
It would most certainly make my day
I could make merry, I could make hay
I would make great sense in all I say.

If I would not lose my temper today
If I could be firm, if I did not sway
If I could gather courage and not feet of clay
I could conquer the world, if I may.

If I could think my fears away
If I could add colour to life so gray
If I could follow the wise per se
I’d get all the answers for to pray.

If I could keep pessimism at bay
If my desires would not go astray
The shade of emotion an optimistic gay
Every problem has solutions, every dead end a way

If I could be a better person for just one day
And learn to live evermore just that way
Poets, philosophers, seers would join the fray
I could brighten the earth with that one ray!

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