The mirror on the wall

The mirror on the wall sometimes lies I believe
Whenever I look at it the mirror stares back in disbelief

When did the eyes sink in when did the hair turn white
I looked at it every day the difference was so slight

Yet it takes my breath away every once in a while
When it displays my mirror image in such altered style

Those in between years when I had forgotten to read it
The mirror tiptoed off quietly as if I did not need it

Someday I will change the image that is staring back at me
Or so I think whenever I rue the image that I see

Time stopped at age 24 mental status quo maintained
Chronology just went by and by it could not be detained

The mirror on the wall most definitely fed me lies
It never took in my protests it never heard my cries

Some people always age gracefully or so I had heard
But that it should affect me too the idea was absurd

These days I look less and less in the lying mirror
I blame it on sheer lack of time in reality I fear

It will tell me a few home truths I am trying to avoid
It will refuse to let my hairdresser attempt to fill the void

Look closer it may not be the lines sketched on the face
Dig deeper it may be all about another finish to the race

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