
I sit on my computer and begin to enter
Words and mixed feelings form banter
Until jumbled emotions and high flown language
Throw up an ensemble of doubtful lineage.

I sit on MS Word and sometimes wonder
Whether I am over the top or under
The weather churning out my deepest thought
On a screen which keeps correcting my every dot.

There used to be a thing called paper
The use of which began to taper
Once Bill Gates dropped out of school
Every educated gentleman looked like a fool.

Each new generation turned smarter still
Type away to glory, you never have your fill
The younger they are the more accomplished
We wished some more and then we wished.

From poetry to painting and literature
Electronics even copied signature
What we would once call creativity
Was soon rendered useless inactivity

Exams degrees and technology
Ruled the roost without apology
The use of pure mind slowly died
The one outside this sphere softly cried.

For the sensitive there is no space
It goes for the kill this killing pace
Where is the time to sit back and relish
Who has the patience to know what to cherish?

Pros and cons each discovery had
Some took us ahead some turned out fad
But relationships designed on the net
Took away the sheen off each one you met

Some things should remain untouched
Some feelings, words and people are judged
Not on their ability to compute
Sentiments loose charm, meanings dilute.

I sometimes sit on my computer and think
Just how would I work without this fink?
Yet I cannot trust it like an old friend
Some unfriendly virus might elect its end.

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