My mind

My mind plays mind games with me
My thinking never seems to leave me

My knowledge is not adequate enough
My arguments have an edge so rough

I sometimes cannot understand
Why people often rave and rant

Silently blaming the rest for mayhem
Each one wants to be at the helm

Tiny specks floating in vast ambiguity
Seriously believing in their own ingenuity

Day in day out chores to go about
Ignorant bliss often has no place for doubt

I do not understand the sky so blue
Natural splendour that surrounds you

Why does the grass have to be green?
What gives every star its sheen?

The breath of life in each atom
Thereon new marvels hard to fathom

Where does universe originate
Phenomena to which I cannot relate

The violent earth deep in the core
The dangerously quiet seas at shore

The sun and moon in constant attendance
Each element serving in compliance

I do not understand human quirks
Beneath a respectable facade foul play lurks

Friend or foe each one is on the go
So furious a pace yet mentally slow

The haves behave as if they will never die
The deprived don’t realise about what to cry

The show goes on and then some more
Till a force up there steps in and shows the door!

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