Why complain?

We always want to be in another’s shoes

We love to crib and advertise our woes

To every solution we have problems no clues

We won’t pay up till the other pays his dues


Pages and pages are filled with vision astute

Each seer gives a lecture on positive attitude

He doesn’t have to follow the shallow feud

He has enough bank balance to be outright rude

We listen we learn and then promptly forget

Like the stranger on the local train we just met

Fake friendships, little empathy and no regret

We continue on course the goal is set.


Life goes on and sometimes we don’t

Angry over unfulfilled needs and want

Our dreams and desires continue to haunt

Let past be passé? Move on we won’t


If only we would adjust with times

If only we could relearn nursery rhymes

Revisit the innocence of childhood chimes

What would descend upon us is a calm sublime



Want is so often the bane

To crib and cry and constantly complain

Can only make us a little more vain

Even as you continue to pretend and feign.


Learn to keep your patience and endure

It is what will reward in the long run for sure

So what if laid-back power and ego lure

The mind must be clear, the soul pure


We don’t have to bow down to misconceived elation

We cannot allow sheer superficial false allegations

Smoothened by the veneers of social obligations

Over achieving never pleasing rising expectations


If it’s all about your emotions and giving vent

Perhaps you should employ a shoulder on rent

An ear which will hear all your ravings meant

And give back what you acquired, borrowed or lent.


To complain takes a weight off your back

It makes you feel good yet you lack

The ability to sort your brain and rack

And learn to be calm and composed under attack

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